Wordy Wednesday

By Chandler - 7/16/2014

Happy Wednesday, you have officially made it to the halfway point of your week! CONGRATULATIONS!

I searched for "Happy Wednesday" and this is what I got. You're welcome.
And since it is half way through the week and I'm exhausted already, here are some words from other places around the internet. aka I'm tired and these articles were written without my brain power

How Men Think in Relationships. This is a fun one. If you don't find it funny, you need to go sit by yourself.

Go travel the world, but don't just take my word for it--here's a list of 10 reasons traveling makes you richer.

For the yoga-inept, such as myself: Here's a guide to the downward dog pose.

I have a slight tumblr addiction and right now I'm all about the brand So Worth Loving (look for a post about it next Tuesday), so put these two things together and you get this.
If you've got a thing for baseball, this is an interesting piece to read. It's about the disappearance of the screwball pitch.

Remember Hilary Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? She's founded an organization to bring history to children.   The organization is called Sweet Blackberry--you can check it out here.

Obsessed with Kate Middleton? Here's an article for you.

Soldiers reunited with their dogs. You're welcome.

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