Sunday Currently

By Chandler - 9/06/2015

reading // "Read! Write! DIscuss! Learn!" someone please suggest something besides teacher books to me! I am in need of some grown-up books

wathcing // We Are Marshall and crying like a baby

listening // to Matt Chandler speak about anything. I'm taking it all in right now

thinking // I need to let go of some negative thoughts from the past few weeks--time to move on

smelling // homemade chicken soup; I cooked all day (for the week) and my chicken soup is sitting in the crockpot, making my apartment smell so yummy

hoping // that tomorrow is a productive "lazy" day; Happy Labor Day!

wearing // old gym shorts and a t-shirt; ready for beds lady and gentlemen

loving // all the people who support me in this crazy journey called life

wanting // someone to snuggle and watch movies with

needing // to stick to my new workout routine; someone help me to stay motivated!

feeling // sleepy and ready for bed

clicking // on all the links from The Sunday Currently over on siddathornton

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1 thoughts

  1. I wish I had some non-teacher recommended books for you, but I'm in the same boat. I did read the rosie project a couple months ago, it was a quick and easy humorous book. that's all I've got!

    Emmett - Hippie Lace
