The Rollercoaster of Life (or just a college semester)

By Chandler - 5/02/2013

Just a few wonderful thoughts about life....

This semester has been really hard. exhausting. thrilling. demanding. an experience. full of emotion. what you want to say, it probably if this semester of college.

I am really tired of people saying that Early Childhood Educator get to play in their classes and do projects and crafts for grades.  Guess what, while you enjoy playing tennis on nice days like today, I wrote 3 papers and started a child study—and thats without procrastination.  I'm exhausted! I have written over 30 papers this semester alone; done 4 group projects; written atleast 20 lesson plans; did a complete research project (APA format at that); I'm finishing up a child study; and I have three portfolios to turn in. PLEASE explain to me where I was playing and doing crafts because to me it sounds like you have more time for those than I do.
And yes, I know that I am a type-A personality nad i need things done a certain way, but that does not mean that the workload was any less for a different education major.  We work our butts off and for what, to hear people say we play games all day! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!??!?

Okay, now that I've said all that and taken a few deep breaths...

I am mentally and physically exhausted.  My eyes have lost almost all signs of life.  I cry just about every night.  I'm not eating right.  And I need a serious break.
But I will get through this and I will be a better person because of it.
((Words of encouragement would be great))
Sometimes it is hard to keep going but I am not a quitter and I am stronger than the amount of work put in front of me.

If you just listened to my banter, I am love you! You have made my night even though you feel as though you've done nothing.
I hope that no one is feeling quite as stressed as I am but if you are remember to keep your head up and to keep breathing—I'm praying for you!

Stay Beautiful Bloggers

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