Here's to....

By Chandler - 7/19/2013

Hi Bloggers,

So I'm here to share five things from this week since it is Friday ("five on friday).  I have had this post all typed out since last night and everything.  I just got lazy and life got in the way and I still had to add the photos.  But now it is done and I am sharing my Five on Friday recap of the week.

Here's to:

(1) New blog designs

(2) New friends
Out to ice cream, celebrating finally being done!!
Here's to Emily and Katerina (not pictured) for getting my through that class.

(3) New bracelets and mommies who love us

(4) Library books

(5) Not setting an alarm
This one explains itself.

So that's my Five on Friday for this week.  I'm sorry it's so late... life got in the way and I can't say I'm complaining.  I hope you had a wonderful week!

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1 thoughts

  1. alarms are the worst. so yay for not having to set yours this weekend!
