
256 Days.

By Chandler - 8/26/2013

The number of days left in my undergraduate college career.
Seriously, where did the time go?

I'm actually ready to graduate and move on in the "real world," and I put that in quotes because of what I'm about to share.  Remember kids, the "real world" is already here...

This isn't a new thing ((it's actually from 1959...)) but I found it a little while ago and I was thinking about it recently.  I love this, I love that someone finally told "the youth" what to do with their time.  I wish someone would do this again.
I think you should go read the "You're Not Special" graduation speech, too.  I seriously love stuff like this and I don't know why...

Anyway, all you college kids: remember to treasure the rest of college that you have left.

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1 thoughts

  1. hold onto college as long as possible. you'll miss it once you're in the real world. trust.
