I'm so proud of myself and my friends (and the rest of the Class of 2014)! It has been a long four years. They were definitely worth it--all the long nights, early mornings, coffee dates, study sessions, practicing our handwriting, and working really hard. Education gets a bad rep as being an easy major... and early childhood education takes the brunt of that. To all the people who think this has been easy, the jokes on you. Also your children's futures are in my hands; just let that sink in for a minute.
A special thank you to my family for all the support over the last four years (and before that). I would not be who I am or where I am today without all of you. Thank you for pushing me to do my best and not letting me give up even when it got difficult. I love you!
Until next time,
1 thoughts
Congratulations!! How exciting. I graduated with an education major in 2011 and I was so excited to have my very own classroom. Teaching is so much fun. You're going to love it!