Welp I had started this post last night and told myself I'd edit and get it published this morning before work... But when that 5am alarm went off, I couldn't even get my eyes to open. So 6:15 rolled around and I got my butt out of bed with enough time to throw on some clothes and get out the door. What a life. Anyway, I am trying to get back into Five On Friday posts.
Two // new books make me happy. Currently reading The Happiness Project, I reccomend it to everyone. Also reading 30 Words and I am more lost than more I started.... I'm thinking this newfound religious thing is gonna end prematurely because it makes my head hurt.
Three // snapchats from three different friends singing me locked away by r city and Adam Levine because I am beyond obsessed with that song and my friends are the best
Four // October is National Bullying Prevention Month (along with a bunch of other national month "celebrations"). This is really weighing heavily on my heart right now because of some bullying that is going on at school and in my kiddos' community. It hearts my hurt to think of anyone suffering but especially these babies. They don't deserve this and we really need to come together to stop bullying before it begins.
Five // all things Fall -- stay tuned for a Saturday Special post about my Fall obsessions of the year.
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