A hug.
A congratulations.
"Good Luck."
"I'm happy for you."
"I'm proud of you."
"If that's what you want."
"You'll do great."
"Let me know how it goes."
"Call me."
"You're brave."
"Wait. Where?"
I heard it all yesterday after announcing that I have my first "big girl" job interview in North Carolina. I'm elated, and sure I'm nervous but I'd be nervous regardless. I am ready for this adventure. I am ready for the next journey in my life. And right now, this is it.
I came to the conclusion a few days ago that regardless of a job, I'd head to North Carolina at the end of the summer. It's what I want. I'm 22 with nothing holding me back. Is it selfish? Maybe, but when else will I get the chance to be selfish? I can't apologize for this one because I'm not sorry.
I have a tendency to do what I think others want me to do. I tend to sit back and watch while everyone else goes about their lives. So was this a surprise to some people? Sure. But it's what I want. And it's what I deserve.
So here's to new adventures and the most nerve wrecking experience of my life so far. June 5th, here's to you and hoping you're a great day!
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