Sunday Currently

By Chandler - 8/30/2015

reading // children's fairy tale books... oh the life of a first grade teacher!

writing // a lot about the thoughts in my head. My journal has been filled more in the last month than it was all summer

listening // to iTunes radio... Down (by Jason Walker) Radio to be precise

thinking // positive thoughts about the upcoming week. I need to get out of this funk and excited for school again. Here's to hoping positive thinking wants to help me out on this one

smelling // hot tea and my coconut shampoo

wishing // for more hours in the day... specifically in the days that begin with S

hoping // that this week goes smoothly and my littles learn something valuable

wearing // sweatpants that probably need to find their way out of my wardrobe... but they are so comfy

loving // all the people who support me in this crazy journey called life

wanting // to be able to drink coffee again... I miss it :/

needing // to get out of bed and finish getting together my ELA centers for this week... anyone wanna do that for me?

feeling // less pain than yesterday, which is a good thing!

clicking // on all the links from The Sunday Currently over on siddathornton

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